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Our Annual Report is the ideal way to stay up to date with developments and exciting changes at Olds Park Sports Club.

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One Sunday morning in 1955 Andy Dahl, Alf Watts and Keith Hunt were having an Ale and a chance remark was made that our suburb Peakhurst is not complete without a Bowling Club. A hat was passed around and the princely sum of 4 pounds, 12 shillings and 10 pence was collected. Ken Mundy was appointed Hon. Accountant but due to health reasons was forced to retire, followed by Neville Moore initially as Hon. Accountant, then as Hon. Auditor. No shortage of volunteers those days and various committees formed with a view to search for a suitable site. A corner of Olds Park was selected that’s where we are today.

The first approach to Hurstville Council had a very cool response, but lobbying by Keith Hunt managed to get the Council to accept the proposal 6 to 3 and we gained a long narrow strip of land, part of our present site.

First impressions of the block where very daunting, Blackberry bushes, children’s makeshift cubby houses, rats, rabbits and rubbish of all description and our Foundation Members back breaking efforts, but with the equipment loaned the site became very presentable.

A start was made on our temporary building, footings were poured, brickwork commenced, soon arriving at roof level mostly done by voluntary labor. Les Holmes searched frantically for information on greens construction and he wrote a specification for our first green.

Quotes were too high so once again it was decided to build our own green. Experienced soon dictated that this was almost impossible with the limited knowledge and labor available. Eric Hannon made the generous offer to build the green, banks, ditches etc. at cost which gave a considerable saving to our Club.

Joe Kelly was busy writing the Articles of Association and Lyle Stubbings writing the by-laws. At the first General Meeting held in August 1956. It was agreed that members who were financial on 30th June 1956 be classified as Foundation Members.

On 17th November, the first lease from Hurstville Council was signed for a period of 21 years @ 10 shillings a year. Prior to the building of our permanent Club House we acquired more land increasing our area to 3 ½ acres and a lease was signed with Hurstville Council.

The first Liquor License was granted 17th December, 1956 and the first poker machines were acquired on the same date.

The first section of our Club House was completed in 1956 and the only employed person was the Green keeper. All the cleaning, bar service, kitchen service and general maintenance was on a voluntary basis. Membership was growing so more Club space was needed so the first extension of 40 x 24 foot was commenced.

The Ladies Auxiliary was formed in 1956 providing afternoon teas on bowling days and high tea on special occasions.

The Club continues to suffer from growing pains, and as a result a further extension was added to the existing building. The official opening of the Club House and greens was on 19th July, 1959, by the President of the Royal NSW Bowling Association.

The Ladies Auxiliary who had been giving such support from the Club’s conception had their own Club formation on 19th August 1959. President Joan Humphries rolled the first jack and Mrs. Barker bowled the first bowl and declared the Ladies Club Officially opened.

On May 1960 Andy Dahl was appointed as the first time Manager. Our membership took to the game in an enthusiastic and competitive manner, and did not have to wait long for the first major success.

On Saturday 13th April, 1962 No. 2 Pennant Team defeated Liverpool in the final and so 5 years to the very day after opening our first green, the Club won our first Pennant.

More space was required and after many sleepless nights and meeting one of the Foundation Members builder Sam Dellow who qualified with the best tender, build the Club House as we know it today, which was officially opened on 4th May 1963 by the then President of the RNSWBA Abbey Caines.

Following the construction of our permanent Club House much leveling filling and layout of our surrounds and gardens was necessary. The original concept and placement of trees and shrubs was carried out by one of Sydney’s leading Horticulturists Stan Peck whom was made a Life Member. As with many other aspects of the Club, the gardens have always been tended by volunteers.

Following on from the 1982 “Peakhurst Bowling Club Garden Brochure” published in “Bowls in NSW” the RNSWBA awarded our Club their Certificate of “Order of Merit”

In the year 2001 the Club gardens were entered in the Hurstville Council Garden competition, in the Commercial Section Peakhurst Bowling Club won 1st Prize in 2002, 2003 and 2004.

In 2003 we subleased the downstairs area (the original club) to Hurstville Community Food Services (Formerly Hurstville Meals on Wheels).

The Hurstville City Council have been most generous to our Club, by continuing to rebate our lease, for this we remain most grateful.

Today 2014, with the amalgamation with Club Hurstville Sports Club to save the bowling in the St. George area, where renovations inside, extension of outdoor gaming, new compliance will be completed.

We have changed our name to Olds Park Sports Club to reflect just not on Bowling but all other sporting groups i.e. cricket, netball etc.